Gary Jepsen


Gary E. Jepsen, just an everyday guy who has been teaching Biblical truths since he was 14 years old when he corrected the youth pastor, got taken out of youth group and assigned to teach the 8–12-year-old boys’ Sunday school class. Apparently, youth pastors don’t like being corrected.

So Gary has learned what gets his clients on the fastest way to 1st get them tuned into hearing from God. Then his clients will test and exercise what they learned in safe zones.

After the midway point in his 90-day program, he switches from learning prophesy to exercising prophesy so the clients can move on to doubting your doubts.

Because once you have testimonies you don't have to listen to vain arguments.

As far as testimonies go Gary often jokes that he does not have a great testimony for himself, just for his parents, because they gave him a love of the scriptures as a child, a relationship with the Lord that kept him from getting into serious trouble or rebellion.

Now though, he says, he has the greatest testimony, because like him his children walk out their adult lives as strong believers, walking in the gifts, sharing the Gospel as they go. He laughs when people ask “What happened when they rebelled? He says, “Well if they rebelled it must have been when they went off to university and got in trouble for correcting the churches they attended there.” Because he heard about that. LOL.

Gary preached his first sermon at 16. Decided he didn’t think he could put up with seminary professors and went into the world of retail and restaurant management. All the while teaching the Word to those that will listen and occasionally ‘filling the pulpit’ when someone was out sick or on vacation.

But then 23 years ago, the story that started all the other stories happened!

Gary, his lovely wife, the nicest person he ever met, and their 2 children had been enjoying the life of a Christian family. At church at 3- 4 times a week, 50 weeks a year, the other 2 weeks at a different church while on vacation. They were in the same denomination as his parents and their parents going back to the many years, clear back to European roots.

One Sunday all that changed, of all places for things to happened it went down in the 3-to-4-year old’s Sunday School classroom some 20 years ago. You see Gary’s son tended to leave his Sunday School classroom and go find his dad or mom where they would be teaching adult men’s class or women’s group somewhere else in the building. So, after several of those escapes, Gary at 6’3” would run the little kid’s class somewhat like a recent movie, back then, called Kindergarten Cop. The kids listened to the lesson, then did their crafts, and then when the weather was good had to march around the building holding on to their rope while singing their songs.

On that day it was wet outside so the singing would be in the classroom. At the start of class, a new couple with a young boy came in, wanting to drop him off for class but they were not in a hurry to leave. So, they were seated against the wall while Gary and his two long blonde hair teenage helpers got through the bible lesson and were started on a craft project before the couple decided to leave the boy in the classroom. This was fine, all was good until we got to 1st song, Jesus’ loves me; then the new boy erupted growling and banging his head on the table. As the boy was calmed down one of the blonde girl teens was dispatched to find the pastor.

After the pastor was there Gary attempted the next song Nothing But The Blood the boy threw himself on the ground repeatedly yelling something while banging his head on the floor.

Next, that pastor got ahold of the senior pastor, the church counselor, the child’s parents and discussed the situation out in the hallway Gary had left the children with the young ladies entertaining the kids with another craft project. What Gary heard next changed the rest of his life: the senior pastor and church counselor advised the parents to take their boy down the street to the Catholic Church and see the priest for deliverance.

That sentence messed up Gary, what was he supposed to do now? How do you protect yourself? Was it contagious? Did the whole class need to go see a priest? Never seeing the movie but wondering what does an exorcism looks like? How do I protect my family, my children?

With this dramatic experience of the supernatural Gary was led to leave his multigenerational denominational background and search out truth and power. He has been on a journey to get all that God has to offer for himself, his family, and his future students.

Guess what? God is the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Gary has grown in all the gifts and desires that all who want to learn grow also.

From his rural Michigan desk, Gary has since trained hundreds of people from all around the world in the supernatural gifts of Prophecy, Words-of-Knowledge, Words of Wisdom, Healing, Deliverance, Walking in the Presence of God, Transforming Atmospheres, and Power Evangelism. He is acknowledged as an online presence and trainer who works with several ministries.

Here are the reasons you can depend on Gary Jepsen to help you get proficient at Prophesy, becoming comfortable with giving accurate Godly messages to friends, family and yourself:

• REPUTABLE - Gary Jepsen has been around since 1998, a respected leader in his field and community.

• EXPERIENCED - Our proudest accomplishment is the large number of long term clients who put their trust in us year after year.

• INTEGRITY - Building a reputation of integrity takes years, but it takes only a second to lose. We don’t believe in cutting corners. The foundation of our reputation is our commitment to do the right thing at all times, regardless of whether anyone is watching.

• RESOURCES - We offer a wide variety of development and training programs built on timeless principles that get results.

• CUSTOMIZABLE - All of our curriculum can be customized to specifically address your individual and organizational needs.

Gary Jepsen


Gary E. Jepsen, just an everyday guy who has been teaching Biblical truths since he was 14 years old when he corrected the youth pastor, got taken out of youth group and assigned to teach the 8–12-year-old boys’ Sunday school class. Apparently, youth pastors don’t like being corrected.

So Gary has learned what gets his clients on the fastest way to 1st get them tuned into hearing from God. Then his clients will test and exercise what they learned in safe zones.

After the midway point in his 90-day program, he switches from learning prophesy to exercising prophesy so the clients can move on to doubting your doubts.

Because once you have testimonies you don't have to listen to vain arguments.

As far as testimonies go Gary often jokes that he does not have a great testimony for himself, just for his parents, because they gave him a love of the scriptures as a child, a relationship with the Lord that kept him from getting into serious trouble or rebellion.

Now though, he says, he has the greatest testimony, because like him his children walk out their adult lives as strong believers, walking in the gifts, sharing the Gospel as they go. He laughs when people ask “What happened when they rebelled? He says, “Well if they rebelled it must have been when they went off to university and got in trouble for correcting the churches they attended there.” Because he heard about that. LOL.

Gary preached his first sermon at 16. Decided he didn’t think he could put up with seminary professors and went into the world of retail and restaurant management. All the while teaching the Word to those that will listen and occasionally ‘filling the pulpit’ when someone was out sick or on vacation.

But then 23 years ago, the story that started all the other stories happened!

Gary, his lovely wife, the nicest person he ever met, and their 2 children had been enjoying the life of a Christian family. At church at 3- 4 times a week, 50 weeks a year, the other 2 weeks at a different church while on vacation. They were in the same denomination as his parents and their parents going back to the many years, clear back to European roots.

One Sunday all that changed, of all places for things to happened it went down in the 3-to-4-year old’s Sunday School classroom some 20 years ago. You see Gary’s son tended to leave his Sunday School classroom and go find his dad or mom where they would be teaching adult men’s class or women’s group somewhere else in the building. So, after several of those escapes, Gary at 6’3” would run the little kid’s class somewhat like a recent movie, back then, called Kindergarten Cop. The kids listened to the lesson, then did their crafts, and then when the weather was good had to march around the building holding on to their rope while singing their songs.

On that day it was wet outside so the singing would be in the classroom. At the start of class, a new couple with a young boy came in, wanting to drop him off for class but they were not in a hurry to leave. So, they were seated against the wall while Gary and his two long blonde hair teenage helpers got through the bible lesson and were started on a craft project before the couple decided to leave the boy in the classroom. This was fine, all was good until we got to 1st song, Jesus’ loves me; then the new boy erupted growling and banging his head on the table. As the boy was calmed down one of the blonde girl teens was dispatched to find the pastor.

After the pastor was there Gary attempted the next song Nothing But The Blood the boy threw himself on the ground repeatedly yelling something while banging his head on the floor.

Next, that pastor got ahold of the senior pastor, the church counselor, the child’s parents and discussed the situation out in the hallway Gary had left the children with the young ladies entertaining the kids with another craft project. What Gary heard next changed the rest of his life: the senior pastor and church counselor advised the parents to take their boy down the street to the Catholic Church and see the priest for deliverance.

That sentence messed up Gary, what was he supposed to do now? How do you protect yourself? Was it contagious? Did the whole class need to go see a priest? Never seeing the movie but wondering what does an exorcism looks like? How do I protect my family, my children?

With this dramatic experience of the supernatural Gary was led to leave his multigenerational denominational background and search out truth and power. He has been on a journey to get all that God has to offer for himself, his family, and his future students.

Guess what? God is the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Gary has grown in all the gifts and desires that all who want to learn grow also.

From his rural Michigan desk, Gary has since trained hundreds of people from all around the world in the supernatural gifts of Prophecy, Words-of-Knowledge, Words of Wisdom, Healing, Deliverance, Walking in the Presence of God, Transforming Atmospheres, and Power Evangelism. He is acknowledged as an online presence and trainer who works with several ministries.

Here are the reasons you can depend on Gary Jepsen to help you get proficient at Prophesy, becoming comfortable with giving accurate Godly messages to friends, family and yourself:

• REPUTABLE - Gary Jepsen has been around since 1998, a respected leader in his field and community.

• EXPERIENCED - Our proudest accomplishment is the large number of long term clients who put their trust in us year after year.

• INTEGRITY - Building a reputation of integrity takes years, but it takes only a second to lose. We don’t believe in cutting corners. The foundation of our reputation is our commitment to do the right thing at all times, regardless of whether anyone is watching.

• RESOURCES - We offer a wide variety of development and training programs built on timeless principles that get results.

• CUSTOMIZABLE - All of our curriculum can be customized to specifically address your individual and organizational needs.

Download your FREE GIFT NOW!


This eBook is one of Gary E. Jepsen's most popular publications available

as a free download.

That God has been waiting to use you!

God is your biggest cheerleader and want to empower you!

God loves to talk to you and has lots to say!

God knows you have the ability to prophesy and loves to see you step out in faith!

God trusts you to walk through the fear with Him!

Download your FREE GIFT NOW!


This eBook is one of Gary E. Jepsen's most popular publications available

as a free download.

That God has been waiting to use you!

God is your biggest cheerleader and want to empower you!

God loves to talk to you and has lots to say!

God knows you have the ability to prophesy and loves to see you step out in faith!

God trusts you to walk through the fear with Him!

What People Are Saying:

Ms. M. Wong

Hong Kong

"Before working with Coach Gary Jepsen, I was not manifesting the gift from God on prophecy. God’s power is far beyond my imagination. In the 6th week of the course and have seen the progress on how to exercise the fullness of the gift from God through word of knowledge, vision, and prophecy."

Peter Ortmann - Pastor


"Before working with Coach Gary Jepsen, I would not consistently hear from God, nor even believe I could do so on a consistent basis. The training has given me more confidence and showed me a path to reliable growth in this area, coupled with the ongoing exercises and practice. I am in the 5th week and have seen an improvement in my ability to give words of knowledge and prophetic words to others. It has strengthened my faith and that of others as well. I am now able to use what I learned in everyday situations and also to help people through prophetic insights. I am excited to do and learn more.

Coach Gary has also helped me work through some spiritual issues, blockages that hindered me to grow in faith in this area. Gary is a great and very resourceful and patient teacher, who makes it easy to learn and grow. His way of teaching is very supportive and he shows a lot of help and understanding into various areas of life in the Faith. He shares his rich experience which is also very helpful. If you want to grow in your prophetic gift, I highly recommend working with Coach Gary Jepsen."

Mr. Mason Ching

"I started the prophecy course coached by Gary Jepsen 7 weeks ago. Before that, I did not have confidence in prophecy. It was very uncertain as to how did I know if a word is from God or otherwise. In the course, certain concept about prophecy was clarified and tools that Gary taught are of great use. He demonstrates by examples and practice instead of just theory. I can now prophesy with confidence and much more accuracy. I will not hesitate to recommend the prophecy class of Coach Gary Jepsen."

James Wulan - Pastor, Evangelist


"Before Gary's Experiencing the Power of Prophesy I did not know if I was even hearing God's voice.

My mountain of doubt was high, the valley of fear was dark, who was I to question years of teaching from my youth? I didn't even know this was available, my religious background told me that the gifts were not needed now that we have the scriptures. Gary gave me a safe place to practice as we worked out the religious issues I had through a clear understanding of scriptures.

This program has added Holy Spirit into my ministry, got me a new relationship with Father, and I understand and use Power Evangelism as I go in life now."

Ms. Evelyn Pearman

Boone County, Missouri

"For 50 years I KNEW there was more! I grew up on 2nd hand stories of those who were a part of Azusa St., intrigued by the exploits of ‘average Spirit-filled believers’ who had been led by the Holy Spirit to go into secret underground catacombs. I’ve searched, bought, and attended hours of teaching and programs, books, and tapes, striving to “understand” how to operate in the Holy Spirit, but something was missing. It was out of the question for me to become a part of a long-term program due to life circumstances. A few months ago Gary Jepsen stayed online after a prayer meeting ended. He gave me a personal Word of Encouragement and Prophecy!

Not ONLY did he give me a word, but when I expressed my desire to do this, he said it was easy and that he could and would show me how to do it too! Gary has been doing the great commission and teaching others how to give words of knowledge, wisdom, and prophecy for decades. He said it was easier than I thought. It wasn’t a marketing ploy either, Gary meant it, and he has since proved it. Gary has integrity and ability that is missing in many of the others I paid to show me.

Gary also cared about ME. Many times as he is listening to my current needs he has interceding those issues away. No big show to draw attention to himself, he just lets the Holy Spirit flow through him while I’m still talking. I’ve never had ANY minister do that, much less get the results that Gary gets! Gary’s teaching me to do that for others. The Holy Spirit through Gary has faithfully shown me that as I show up for training, do my homework assignments, I am truly becoming more sensitive to Him and able to minister on a whole new level.

I am truly experiencing each week that promised “River of Life” flowing out of me. Last week I had the opportunity to minister to over 8 people in less than 2 hours. To both believers and unbelievers (even a member of a demonic sect). I did with confidence knowing I was indeed sensing the power of God speaking through me into their life! It was easier than I thought possible. It’s like water flowing out of a faucet, there’s no stress on the faucet. I just showed up and did my part. This is a whole new level of confidence to do ministry.

Psalm 37:4 “Delight yourself in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart”, that’s from concept to completion. This is God’s idea, God’s promise! Mark 16:14-20 “These signs will follow those who believe...” I now know and believe and these signs are starting to follow me."

What People Are Saying:

Ms. M. Wong

Hong Kong

"Before working with Coach Gary Jepsen, I was not manifesting the gift from God on prophecy. God’s power is far beyond my imagination. In the 6th week of the course and have seen the progress on how to exercise the fullness of the gift from God through word of knowledge, vision, and prophecy."

Peter Ortmann - Pastor


"Before working with Coach Gary Jepsen, I would not consistently hear from God, nor even believe I could do so on a consistent basis. The training has given me more confidence and showed me a path to reliable growth in this area, coupled with the ongoing exercises and practice. I am in the 5th week and have seen an improvement in my ability to give words of knowledge and prophetic words to others. It has strengthened my faith and that of others as well. I am now able to use what I learned in everyday situations and also to help people through prophetic insights. I am excited to do and learn more.

Coach Gary has also helped me work through some spiritual issues, blockages that hindered me to grow in faith in this area. Gary is a great and very resourceful and patient teacher, who makes it easy to learn and grow. His way of teaching is very supportive and he shows a lot of help and understanding into various areas of life in the Faith. He shares his rich experience which is also very helpful. If you want to grow in your prophetic gift, I highly recommend working with Coach Gary Jepsen."

Mr. Mason Ching

"I started the prophecy course coached by Gary Jepsen 7 weeks ago. Before that, I did not have confidence in prophecy. It was very uncertain as to how did I know if a word is from God or otherwise. In the course, certain concept about prophecy was clarified and tools that Gary taught are of great use. He demonstrates by examples and practice instead of just theory. I can now prophesy with confidence and much more accuracy. I will not hesitate to recommend the prophecy class of Coach Gary Jepsen."

James Wulan - Pastor, Evangelist


"Before Gary's Experiencing the Power of Prophesy I did not know if I was even hearing God's voice.

My mountain of doubt was high, the valley of fear was dark, who was I to question years of teaching from my youth? I didn't even know this was available, my religious background told me that the gifts were not needed now that we have the scriptures. Gary gave me a safe place to practice as we worked out the religious issues I had through a clear understanding of scriptures.

This program has added Holy Spirit into my ministry, got me a new relationship with Father, and I understand and use Power Evangelism as I go in life now."

Ms. Evelyn Pearman

Boone County, Missouri

"For 50 years I KNEW there was more! I grew up on 2nd hand stories of those who were a part of Azusa St., intrigued by the exploits of ‘average Spirit-filled believers’ who had been led by the Holy Spirit to go into secret underground catacombs. I’ve searched, bought, and attended hours of teaching and programs, books, and tapes, striving to “understand” how to operate in the Holy Spirit, but something was missing. It was out of the question for me to become a part of a long-term program due to life circumstances. A few months ago Gary Jepsen stayed online after a prayer meeting ended. He gave me a personal Word of Encouragement and Prophecy!

Not ONLY did he give me a word, but when I expressed my desire to do this, he said it was easy and that he could and would show me how to do it too! Gary has been doing the great commission and teaching others how to give words of knowledge, wisdom, and prophecy for decades. He said it was easier than I thought. It wasn’t a marketing ploy either, Gary meant it, and he has since proved it. Gary has integrity and ability that is missing in many of the others I paid to show me.

Gary also cared about ME. Many times as he is listening to my current needs he has interceding those issues away. No big show to draw attention to himself, he just lets the Holy Spirit flow through him while I’m still talking. I’ve never had ANY minister do that, much less get the results that Gary gets! Gary’s teaching me to do that for others. The Holy Spirit through Gary has faithfully shown me that as I show up for training, do my homework assignments, I am truly becoming more sensitive to Him and able to minister on a whole new level.

I am truly experiencing each week that promised “River of Life” flowing out of me. Last week I had the opportunity to minister to over 8 people in less than 2 hours. To both believers and unbelievers (even a member of a demonic sect). I did with confidence knowing I was indeed sensing the power of God speaking through me into their life! It was easier than I thought possible. It’s like water flowing out of a faucet, there’s no stress on the faucet. I just showed up and did my part. This is a whole new level of confidence to do ministry.

Psalm 37:4 “Delight yourself in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart”, that’s from concept to completion. This is God’s idea, God’s promise! Mark 16:14-20 “These signs will follow those who believe...” I now know and believe and these signs are starting to follow me."

Catch up with all the latest news and information from Gary Jepsen.

Avoid Burning Out By

Finding the Right Balance

I am sure you have heard the saying, ‘you cannot pour from an empty cup.’ This is why you need to learn to take care of yourself. Keeping yourself motivated...

Reward Accomplishments if you Break your Habits

Life becomes more worth living when you know that for every good thing that you did, a reward is bound to come your way. By this time, you already know...

How to Plan and Achieve

Your Goals

So now you have the goal, you need the plan. To do this, look at where you are now and then look at all the things you would need to build the life you are picturing.

Catch up with all the latest news and information from Gary Jepsen.

Avoid Burning Out By

Finding the Right Balance

I am sure you have heard the saying, ‘you cannot pour from an empty cup.’ This is why you need to learn to take care of yourself. Keeping yourself motivated...

Reward Accomplishments if you Break your Habits

Life becomes more worth living when you know that for every good thing that you did, a reward is bound to come your way. By this time, you already know...

How to Plan and Achieve

Your Goals

So now you have the goal, you need the plan. To do this, look at where you are now and then look at all the things you would need to build the life you are picturing.



