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Avoid Burning Out By Finding the Right Work / Life Balance

November 13, 20223 min read

ach day will do. 

In fact, here are a few benefits of getting sufficient exercise: 

  • Regular exercise helps to strengthen your bones 

  • People who exercise often sleep better at nights 

  • The condition of your skin will improve as you sweat and excrete waste from your pores 

  • You will be better able to manage your weight 

  • Exercise also reduces the risk of suffering from certain ailments like diabetes and heart disease 

  • You often feel better after you exercise because working out releases the hormones that will improve your mood 

  • Regular exercise can reduce stress


Your family is your strength. The stronger the relationships in your family unit, the happier you will be. When you lovingly make time for your family despite your endeavors to be great, they will in turn lovingly support your hopes and dreams. You cannot surround yourself with the right people if you keep pushing away the only group of people who are determined to watch you succeed. Making time for the ones you love should always be a priority. This is especially so if children are involved. A child will not understand that you are busy now because you are trying to build a better future for them. 

They only think about the here and now. And the fact that right now you are not here for them can have serious implications on the kind of person they will become. Money cannot buy you happiness and all the successful accolades in the world will not make your children love you anymore. Motivation can soon turn into selfishness if you do not take the time to care for the ones who are entitled to your time. Plus, when you have the loving support of your family, you will have the kind of support you need to push yourself to achieving your goals. 


“People who cannot find time for recreation are obliged sooner or later to find time for illness.”- John Wanamaker Believe it or not, recreation plays a very important role in your success. While it is true that goofing off when you should be working on achieving your goals is a bad idea, recreation can be quite beneficial. Taking the time to have a laugh, smell a rose or even let your hair down may be just what you need to keep motivated. 

A life without recreation will not be very enjoyable. And a miserable, depressed mind is one that cannot focus on achieving anything. If you push yourself too hard and do not take some time to enjoy life you will burn out quite easily. Take some time to enjoy the fruits of your labor with the ones you love. You will be pleasantly surprised to see how these simple ways to practice better self-care can make a huge difference in your life. 

How happy will you be when you achieve your goals when you have lost your health and loved ones in the progress? Many of the greatest minds have made that mistake and have publicly declared how much they regret that choice. Being motivated to achieve your goals should not come at such a high personal cost to you. How could you ever enjoy the fruits of your labour under those conditions? Remember, personal success is not just about achieving your goals, it also involves being happy with the result as well.

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Avoid Burning Out By Finding the Right Work / Life Balance

November 13, 20223 min read

ach day will do. 

In fact, here are a few benefits of getting sufficient exercise: 

  • Regular exercise helps to strengthen your bones 

  • People who exercise often sleep better at nights 

  • The condition of your skin will improve as you sweat and excrete waste from your pores 

  • You will be better able to manage your weight 

  • Exercise also reduces the risk of suffering from certain ailments like diabetes and heart disease 

  • You often feel better after you exercise because working out releases the hormones that will improve your mood 

  • Regular exercise can reduce stress


Your family is your strength. The stronger the relationships in your family unit, the happier you will be. When you lovingly make time for your family despite your endeavors to be great, they will in turn lovingly support your hopes and dreams. You cannot surround yourself with the right people if you keep pushing away the only group of people who are determined to watch you succeed. Making time for the ones you love should always be a priority. This is especially so if children are involved. A child will not understand that you are busy now because you are trying to build a better future for them. 

They only think about the here and now. And the fact that right now you are not here for them can have serious implications on the kind of person they will become. Money cannot buy you happiness and all the successful accolades in the world will not make your children love you anymore. Motivation can soon turn into selfishness if you do not take the time to care for the ones who are entitled to your time. Plus, when you have the loving support of your family, you will have the kind of support you need to push yourself to achieving your goals. 


“People who cannot find time for recreation are obliged sooner or later to find time for illness.”- John Wanamaker Believe it or not, recreation plays a very important role in your success. While it is true that goofing off when you should be working on achieving your goals is a bad idea, recreation can be quite beneficial. Taking the time to have a laugh, smell a rose or even let your hair down may be just what you need to keep motivated. 

A life without recreation will not be very enjoyable. And a miserable, depressed mind is one that cannot focus on achieving anything. If you push yourself too hard and do not take some time to enjoy life you will burn out quite easily. Take some time to enjoy the fruits of your labor with the ones you love. You will be pleasantly surprised to see how these simple ways to practice better self-care can make a huge difference in your life. 

How happy will you be when you achieve your goals when you have lost your health and loved ones in the progress? Many of the greatest minds have made that mistake and have publicly declared how much they regret that choice. Being motivated to achieve your goals should not come at such a high personal cost to you. How could you ever enjoy the fruits of your labour under those conditions? Remember, personal success is not just about achieving your goals, it also involves being happy with the result as well.

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